Preparation for Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) adalah program pelatihan untuk menyiapkan peserta dalam mendapatkan sertifikat CAPM® yang dikeluarkan oleh Project Management Institute (PMI).
CAPM® merupakan sertifikasi dalam lingkup project management yang diakui secara global. Seseorang yang menyandang sertifikat ini diburu dunia industri karena dianggap mempunyai kompetensi yang memadai dalam manajemen proyek.
Kami menyelenggarakan pelatihan selama tiga hari (23 jam), sudah sesuai dengan persyaratan untuk mengikuti ujian sertifikasi dari PMI. Peserta akan mendapatkan kisi-kisi sebanyak 500 soal yang bisa diakses secara online diluar ruang pelatihan.
CAPM® singkatan dari Certified Associate in Project Management, merupakan sertifikasi yang dikeluarkan oleh Project Management Institute (PMI), USA. Sertifikasi ini diperuntukan bagi mereka yang ingin berkarir di bidang manajemen proyek atau sedang berada pada posisi project leader.
Pemegang sertifikat bisa menuliskan CAPM di dibelakang namanya, contoh: Nama Anda, CAPM®. Penulisan tersebut bisa digunakan di kartu nama, curriculum vitae, atau untuk keperluan lainnya.
- Memberikan pemahaman tentang project management.
- Melatih peserta mengerjakan kisi-kisi soal ujian CAPM.
- Membimbing peserta agar bisa lulus ujian CAPM yang diadakan oleh PMI.
- Introduction
- What is PMI, PMBOK and CAPM Certification
- Criteria and Procedures for PMP Exam
- How to prepare
- PM Framework
- Exercise on the Project Lifecycle
- The Project Constraints – Scope, Time, Cost, Quality, etc
- The Project Manager – what are the responsibilities?
- The Project Management Office (PMO) – What and Why and How?
- The Definition of a Portfolio and Programme Management
- Organisational Project Management (OPM) and Strategies
- Project Life Cycle, Project Management Life Cycle and Project Phases
- The Project Sponsor – What are the Responsibilities?
- Types Of Organizations vis-à-vis PM authorithy
- Project Business Case
- Introduction to Benefit Cost Ratios/ Net Present Value (NPV)
- Internal Rate of Return (IRR)/ Payback (PBP)/ ROI
- Project Integration Management
- Project Charter Development
- Project Scope Statement
- Project Selection Methods
- Integrated Project Management Plan
- Project Baseline – What Is a Project Baseline?
- Project Management Information System (PMIS)
- Project Methodologies
- Managing Project Knowledge
- Change Control Board – What Is Their Role?
- Change Control System and Process
- Lesson Learned
- Historical Information
- The Project Manager As Project Integrator, Leader and Decision Makers
- Project Scope Management
- Processes – Scope Management
- Project Life Cycle
- What is Scope Management?
- The Scope Management Plan
- The Work Breakdown Structure – (WBS)
- Project Scope and Product Scope
- Scope Statement
- Scope Validation
- Scope Change Control
- Project Constraints
- Project Schedule Management
- Initiation, Activity definition, Activity Sequencing, Activity Duration Estimating,
- Schedule Development, Schedule Control
- Task Dependencies – Mandatory, Discretionary, External
- Introduction to PDM/ PERT/ Monte Carlo Analysis
- Three-point vs One-time Estimate
- Network Diagram
- Critical Path Analysis
- Float and Slack
- Crashing
- Fast Tracking
- Gantt Charts
- Schedule Management Plan
- Resource Leveling/ Smoothing
- Project Cost Management
- Earned Value Analysis and Formulas
- Forecasting and Performance Metrics
- Resource Management Planning
- Intoduction to various estimation techniques :
- Analogous/ Bottom Up/ Parametric Estimating
- Order of Magnitude/ Definitive
- Variable/Fixed/ Direct/ Indirect/ Opportunity Costs
- Law of Diminishing Returns
- Depreciation
- Life Cycle Costing
- Value Analysis
- Working Capital
- Project Quality Management
- Definition of Quality
- Quality Assurance
- Quality Control
- Control Chart
- Assignable Causes
- Prevention/ Inspection
- Quality Philosophy
- Quality Standards
- Pareto Diagram – 80/20
- Definition of Quality Management
- TQM/ Quality Control Tools/ Quality Auditing
- Continuous Improvement/ Marginal Analysis
- Responsibility of Quality
- Normal Distribution/ Standard Deviation/ 3 Or 6 Sigma
- Variables, Attributes, Probability
- Checklists
- ISO 9000
- Root-cause Analysis
- Project Resource Management
- Organizational Structures
- Organizational Planning
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Powers of the Project Manager
- Dealing with Conflicts
- Staff Acquisition : Tools and Techniques
- Team Development
- Team Building
- Motivation
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- Hygiene Factors
- Theory X and Y
- Reward Systems
- Resource Acquisition
- Project Communication Management
- Creation, Collection Distribution and Storage
- Information Distribution
- Communication Types
- Communication Methods
- Communication Model and Formula
- Stakeholder Communications
- Communications blockers
- Administrative Closure
- Communication Formula
- Negotiation
- Conflict Management
- Non-verbal Communication
- Project Risk Management
- Types of Risk
- Who identifies Risks ?
- Risk Identification
- When and how often identification is done ?
- Qualitative Risk Analysis
- Quantitative Risk Analysis
- Risk Quantification
- Risk Quantification Tools
- Expected Monetary Value (EMV)
- Risk Mitigation
- Risk Response Strategy
- Risk Monitoring and Control
- Project Procurement Management
- What is a contract ?
- Planning : Make or Buy ?
- Types of contract and its consequences
- Solicitation Planning
- Request for proposal (RFP/ RFQ/ RFI)
- Solicitation
- Source Selection
- Contract administration
- Project Stakeholders Management
- Stakeholders – What is a Stakeholder?
- Stakehoder Identification
- Stakeholder Management Plan and Control
- Power / Interest Grid
- Salience Model
- Engagement Matrix
- Agile Practice Guide
- Introduction
- Life Cycle Selection
- Agile Environment
- Organisational Considerations
- Code of Conduct and Professional Responsibility